Three articles written by Nic Mitchell, founder of De la Cour Communications, have been selected for inclusion in a new book Understanding Higher Education Internationalization – insights from key global publications.

The new volume has been compiled by Philip G. Altbach, Georgiana Mihut and Hans de Wit from the Center of International Higher Education at Boston College, USA, and produced by Sense Publishers.

It brings together selected articles on higher education internationalization appearing in University World News (UWN) and International Higher Education (IHE) between 2011 and 2016.

The publisher’s blurb says: “Researchers, policy makers, and practitioners alike further the development of higher education internationalization as a field of study through public and ongoing conversations.

Keep pace with new developments

“It is news, analysis, and commentary publications like UWN and IHE that facilitate this dialogue and keep pace with the most up-to-date developments in the field. Together, the articles included in this volume—alongside the section introductions—offer a rich and relevant picture of the dynamic state of higher education internationalization globally.”

Nic’s three articles originally appeared in University World News.

They are:

* Growing Pathways to Study Abroad

* More focus needed on Higher Education staff mobility

* Is Sweden recovering from the international student crash

Nic Mitchell with the 2015 CIPR Award. Picture by Emily Hughes.

Nic said: “Since setting up De la Cour Communications in 2012, I’ve helped a number of universities with their internationalization strategies, starting with Linköping University in Sweden.

“I’ve handled specific projects appealing to English-language students and stakeholders for Oslo and Akershus University  College of Applied Sciences and the Norwegian School of Economics NHH and Charles University in Prague.

First-hand knowledge 

“These projects have given me first-hand knowledge of how European universities are working hard to build international profiles and encourage student and staff mobility and build on my two decades of working within the UK higher education sector.”

As well as public relations consultancy activities with De la Cour Communications, Nic has become a regular contributor to University World News, The PIE News and BBC Education News Online as well as writing blogs and reports for the European PR and Information Officers’ association, EUPRIO.

In 2015, he won the UK public relations industry Outstanding Higher Education Journalism Award from the CIPR for his online news report for the BBC on the brain drain of talent young people from Lithuania to the West since the fall of Communism… see here.

* A free preview of Understanding Higher Education Internationalization can be found here listing all the authors and their themes.